Equipping people in their God given identity and partnering with them to see the Kingdom of God released wherever they go.
Through our first 2 cornerstones, “Know your God” & “Know your self”, discover your full identity in Christ and dive deeper into your relationship with Him. Learn how to better cultivate a personal life of supernatural encounters with God and hear His voice through prayer, fasting, and worship
Learn to walk in the kingdom lifestyle Jesus calls us to; Explore biblical foundations, theological principles, and practical applications of the supernatural in the Christian faith. Develop a deeper understanding of your calling, assignment, supernatural gifts, healing, prophecy, evangelism.
Continuing into the last 2 cornerstones, “Know your people” and “Know your culture”, prepare to take what you’ve learned and GO! Be ready to participate in and be apart of the developing strategy for bringing kingdom influence into the community and world that God has called you to.
What is it?
Life School is an 8 month ministry training program that partners with people as they embrace their royal identity, learn the values of God’s Kingdom and grow in their abilities to impact their communities with the power and love of God.
Is it for me?
If you want more to your personal walk with God, but don’t know how to break out of the standard “norm. Or have the desire to bring encounter with you wherever you go, but don’t know where to start or how you can impact the culture of your unique sphere of influence? Life School is the place for you.
Location & times?
Class meets on Tuesday evenings at 5:45pm until 9:00pm on the Life Church campus in Salem, Oregon. It runs for 2 semesters from mid-September through mid-May with a 3 week winter break. There are also outreach opportunities 2-3 Saturdays during the school year and a mandatory weekend workshop in November.
THE 2024 - 25 SCHOOL YEAR BEGINS SEP. 24, 2024

Dinner • Community • Worship • Teaching & More!
Want to experience a night of Life School first hand? Preview nights happen 2 – 3 times a year and are the perfect opportunity to hear who we are, what we do and how LIFE SCHOOL can walk with you, as you grow you relationship with God. We’re honored to have you experience the Kingdom culture and environment of LIFE SCHOOL.
Click below to reserve your FREE ticket to our next Preview Night.
The Life Training Center is located at: 255 College Dr in Salem, Oregon

We are a multi-generational student & staff community that thrives on connection, honor & support. We’ve spent over 12 years walking with people just like you as they discover their God-given destiny and see the power of Jesus fully actualized in their own life.